My life changed dramatically and forever when I lost TJ.

I welcome you to follow along as I adjust to my "new normal".

It is not all puppies and ice cream but it is my life....real and honest.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Save The Boobs!!

I am all about anything it takes to make people aware of early detection and the need for additional research so we can find a cure!

Be sure you have your sound on.

I Love It!!!!!!!

Hope I didn't offend any of my regular readers and if I did I apologize.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!

    I came over to visit your blog after reading your comment on Barry's Explorer's View blog today. I thought you made good sense, advising him to work on a bucket list. In fact, it's not a bad idea for any of us - regardless of whether we have a cancer diagnosis or not. Live each day to the fullest!


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