My life changed dramatically and forever when I lost TJ.

I welcome you to follow along as I adjust to my "new normal".

It is not all puppies and ice cream but it is my life....real and honest.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monkeying Around

I know what you are thinking. More pictures....really?!...and they aren't even good pictures, they are always cell phone pics. I am sorry, but I have just had more to show lately than to share by writing and when it is hot I don't drag my camera with my every where, but I of course always have my cell.

Last Saturday I went to Dave & Dena's house to visit. I have posted pictures of their monkey Angel before but on this particular night she was being extremely friendly. Usually with Angel she either hates me, is aloof & indifferent or thinks I am her long lost best friend. The latter being a rarity. But last Saturday not only was I her BFF so was everyone else!

 I rarely post pictures of myself, but I really liked this picture of her and I. I am admittedly very fond of her.
Heineken, if you are wondering ;)

She had never met Dan before and she even made up to him.

 She had only met Sam a few times and it had been quite a while, yet she still hopped up on his shoulders for some good ole' fashioned bug hunting in what is left of his hair.

Gotta love Angel hugs!


  1. Oh this looks like fun. You photograph well. B

  2. a very unique pet/family member! and i'm waving hello to you, sandy! :)

  3. Love that first pic - so sweet! I've never known anyone with a pet monkey before.

  4. Yes, me too -- love that first picture. Her little hand up like that, so sweet.

  5. omg,
    You. Are. GORGEOUSSssss. WOW. Xxxx who the heck is the monkey?

  6. Oh how Cute! I need one of those for the School Year since in Hot Climates 'bugs' can be a problem that the Grade School Age 'share'! *Shudder* Perhaps Angel wouldn't be so totally creeped out by the process of ensuring the Princess is bug-free?!? *LOL* We once had a neighbor that had a Spider Monkey for a Pet, it used to stand on the roof of their house and throw it's turds at my Parent's Collie Dogs! *Hilarious... but not if you're the Dog! LOL* They can be quite mischievous like Kids. You look marvelous, don't avoid pixs, if I looked that good I'd be in front of the camera more often than behind it! *Winks*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  7. Nice to see a picture of you Sandy. Lovely lady, you are!

    Umm, about the monkey? I wouldn't go near it, or the house it lives in. They are my "creepy thing." Sorry.


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